Breath Of Life World Ministries

Taking a breath
of fresh air
to a dying world.

Genesis 2:7

the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

• Itinerant Preaching
• Short Term Missions
• Strengthen Leaders
• Support Pastors to
Develop their Church Vision
• Evangelism Training
Techniques & Methods
• Organize Community
Evangelism Outreaches

Welcome to Breath Of Life World Ministries

Helping Christians to grow by teaching the foundational doctrines so they can go on to maturity.
As the Bible tells us, we must master the foundational doctrines, or the elementary truths, of the Gospel so that we can go on to maturity and edification of the Church.  To build anything requires a solid and firm foundation.  This is no different for us personally in our walk with God.  Jesus, himself, said the wise man builds his house on solid rock.
We strive to take these teachings to our local churches and to the churches around the world, wherever a door opens to us.  The Milk of the Word (foundational teachings) are vital to our personal growth and the Bible says we are to crave it like a baby craves milk. 
Contact us and see how we can work together with your church!


Savannah, GA, US

Short-Term Missions…
Your life will never be the same again!

Have you ever wanted to go on a short term mission trip?

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