Short Term Missions
Short Term Missions makes a major impact for the world Church.
Some of our work in missions have been in India, Mexico, the Philippines, and in Kenya. We have also been blessed to be able to partner with missionaries in Zambia, Kenya, Peru, Honduras, and Thailand to provide garden seeds for the local churches and orphanages.
Missions are to easy be a part of today.
We can all give something to help spread the work of the Gospel around the world and help fulfill the Great Commission given to us by the Lord Jesus. We are also very blessed to live in a time where we can travel around the world in a day's time. This allows anyone to be a part of short term missions by going and actually being a part of sharing the Gospel, praying for the sick, and ministering to children in an orphanage, or even street evangelism, and so much more!
Have you ever had a desire to be a part of mission work? Even if you didn't know where, you can join a short term mission team and spend a week or two ministering to some beautiful people looking for the answers you may have. Ask your church leaders or reach out to us for more information.